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Management System

Grupo Azvi, through its parent company Azvi, prioritizes R&D+i as a key strategic element for its market positioning, developing an R&D+i Management System certified according to the requirements of the UNE-166.002 Standard. This system streamlines research, development, and innovation processes, facilitating the recognition and integration of emerging technologies applied to the construction and civil engineering industries.

The system covers the following:

  • Construction techniques, systems and processes in construction and civil engineering.
  • Sustainability in construction and civil engineering.
  • Information and communication technologies.
  • Occupational risk prevention.
  • Conservation, maintenance and infrastructure operation techniques.

Furthermore, all the company’s projects are certified according to the UNE 166001:2006 Standard “Requirements for an R&D+I project”.  This systematizes the research, development and innovation processes, facilitating the recognition and integration of emerging technologies applied to the construction and civil engineering industries.


At Azvi, R&D+i  is a strategic factor within our corporate culture. We are building a company for the future, equipped  to tackle the challenges of an increasingly globalized market, based on the following principles:

  • Continual improvement of the efficiency and effectiveness of  our R&D+i Management System and its processes.
  • Increasing productivity and competitivity through the development of R&D+i activities aimed at meeting applicable requirements and satisfying the needs and expectations of stakeholders.
  • Raising awareness of the importance of R&D+i, encouraging and motivating all employees to participate in R&D+i activities.
  • Fostering cooperation with universities and technological centres.
  • Enhancing our corporate image through recognition as an innovative company and a model of management.

Involving the entire organization in the improvement of the R&D+i Management System with the aim of achieving excellence.


Azvi, in accordance with its R&D+i strategy and policy and considering the risks and opportunities identified, defines the following R&D+i objectives for the year 2024:

  • To carry out at least one technology watch information sheet for each of the activities indicated in the scope of the R&D+iI management system.
  • Encourage interaction with other companies, technology centres, universities, etc. by attending at least three seminars, conferences or workshops related to innovation.
  • Extend the scope of the R&D+i Management System Certification to include new Azvi innovation areas.

Vision and Strategy

Azvi aims to be a benchmark in the railway, building, and civil works sectors through the development of innovative technological solutions that create value for its shareholders, employees, clients, and social environment, contributing to sustainable economic growth and social well-being.

On this basis, the R&D+i strategy to follow is:

  • Developing R&D+i activities in:
    • Techniques, systems, and construction processes for buildings and civil works.
    • Sustainability in building and civil works.
    • New information, communication, and knowledge technologies in construction.
    • Occupational health and safety.
    • Techniques for infrastructure conservation, maintenance, and operation.
  • Establishing strategic alliances for the development of R&D+i projects.
  • Identifying national and international funding programs to incentivize the development of R&D&I projects.
  • Incorporating new digital technologies for the development of new products and processes.
