Our objective is to create value based on sound, sustainable business practices and to be a reputable, trustworthy partner. Our corporate governance system is based on ethics, integrity and transparency. By ensuring the proper functioning of the company’s governing and administrative bodies, we aim to generate confidence among shareholders, investors and other stakeholders and lead the company to the highest levels of competitiveness and transparency. Furthermore, the system contributes to improving the company’s internal control and corporate responsibility and ensures the proper segregation of functions, duties and responsibilities from a perspective of the highest integrity, professionalism and rigour. Since its establishment, Grupo Azvi has maintained high standards of ethical behaviour and a strong commitment to regulatory compliance. This dedication has led the company to achieve significant business recognition. To offer stakeholders even greater ethical standards and commitment, we have implemented a Prevention and Detection of Criminal Offences Management System which replaces our former policies. This management system has been certified by AENOR in accordance with the reference standards: Criminal Compliance Management System (UNE 19601:2017) and Anti-Bribery Management System (UNE-ISO 37001). This certification ensures that our management system meets the established requirements related to legislative compliance, aligning us with other companies that have made a firm commitment to this type of initiative. The implementation of this Management System was initiated by company management and Grupo Azvi’s Board of Directors. It involves the commitment of the entire company. Grupo Azvi aims to establish values, commitments and principles of action which guide the behaviour of all board members, management, and employees, regardless of their geographical location or business area. Grupo Azvi provides an Ethics Channel available to all employees, directors, board members or other interested parties to report any irregularities. At Grupo Azvi, we understand the importance of effective risk management for proper strategic planning and achieving our business objectives, while also capitalizing on emerging business opportunities. We have a Risk Policy and Management System, approved by the Board of Director, designed to identify and evaluate potential risks which could affect our business. Mechanisms have also been established to keep risk within acceptable levels. These provide the Board of Directors and the Group’s management with reasonable certainty when making decisions to meet the defined objectives. Governance
Our commitment
to good governance — Corporate governance
— Compliance
— Code of Ethics
— Risks