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Our activities

Specialists in the different areas of
civil works

At Azvi, our century-long expertise in the execution of major civil  infrastructure and building projects spans all areas of construction.

High Speed Railway

Azvi has been a key player in Spain’s railway development, especially highspeed lines. We have worked on over 490kms of track on various lines since works on the first line connecting Madrid and Seville began in 1987.

In the 30 years following the opening of the Madrid-Seville HSR line in 1992, Azvi has worked on over 35 sections of the many high-speed lines across Spain, building platforms, assembling track and catenary and carrying out important infrastructures such as viaducts and tunnels.

Conventional Railway

Azvi’s extensive experience in the railway sector encompasses numerous a large number of projects on conventional lines. Works aimed at improving existing railway infrastructures have been carried out on over 2,500 kilometres.

As well as undertaking the construction of new projects, the company has carried out important works for increasing speeds, track doubling, track renewal and in general, upgrades in infrastructure, signalling and security systems on existing railway networks.

Railway Maintenance

Equally as important as construction, the company’s railway works also include maintenance and conservation. Different types of actions are carried out that can be classified as either preventive or corrective treatments.

Urban Transport

Azvi has been involved in significant urban transport projects. These sustainable and accessible constructions have contributed to improving mobility for thousands of citizens around the worldleading to a positive social impact.

Plant and Equipment

Azvi’s Plant and Equipment Department is one of its greatest assets, both for the execution of its different railway projects and the maintenance and conservation of railway infrastructures.    

The fleet includes all types of track machinery including engines, tamping machines, ballast profilers, ballast cleaners, track stabilisers, and track inspection vehicles.

Azvi’s fleet of heavy track machinery is among the most sophisticated  in private Spanish ownership.


Azvi has extensive experience in the construction of all types of highways, with over 1,500 kilometres of roads built

This group of works range from important motorway and road construction projects to conservation and maintenance operations.   

Highway Maintenance

Conservation actions focus on maintaining a suitable service level for highways.

Road safety maintenance works focus on a monitoring service responsible for correcting anomalies and dealing with incidents (removal of obstacles, roadside assistance for breakdowns, abnormal traffic situations due to inclement weather or accidents).

Maintenance and improvement operations are scheduled works which aim to maintain highways at an adequate level of conservation and service (maintenance and improvement of surfaces, lighting and drainage etc.) 


Azvi has extensive experience and technical capability in the different areas of building: residential, governmental, educational centres, health centres, industrial, car parks, etc. The company is currently carrying out several projects in Spain, with important works in Madrid and Seville.


Over the last few years, Azvi has consolidated its position in the hydraulic works sector being awarded important tenders thanks to its extraordinary experience in network, supply and sanitation system projects. These include maintenance, conservation and operation of dams, conservation of transport infrastructures and water distribution, treatment plants and large reservoirs.


Azvi has extensive experience in the construction of infrastructures for wind farms, having built six farms in Spain, Romania and Mexico.


The construction of Seville’s lock highlights  Azvi’s expertise in the construction of these significant infrastructures which are essential for economic development via transport and commerce.


Azvi has extensive experience in the construction and expansion of airport infrastructures. Significant contracts include those that are currently being carried out in Chile, such as the extension of the Balmaceda Aerodrome which forms part of the Austral Airport Network.

Bridges and Viaducts 

With over 12,250ms built, Azvi is a specialist in the execution of largescale infrastructures such as bridges and viaducts which improve mobility. Some of the company’s most significant works have been the Archidona Viaduct on the Antequera-Granada high speed line, or the viaduct connecting the Madrid-Levante high speed line with the Madrid-Sevilla high speed line.


Azvi has built over 37kms of tunnels mainly in Spain, Romania and Mexico. Among these, one of the most significant is the 10,400m West tunnel on the Pajares line. This project stands out for its geotechnical complexity. The tunnel made it possible to overcome the enormous orographic difficulty that the Cantabrian Mountains have historically represented for railway communications.

Urban Works

Creating more sustainable, citizen-friendly and respectful cities is one of Azvi’s main objectives when dealing with urban works. One example of this commitment is the recent project for Madrid’s emblematic Puerta del Sol square in which Azvi has created a new open space with the pedestrian at its heart.
