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RIMF 498,000 BUDGET 24 DURATION IN MONTHS 2 PARTNERS Railway Infrastructure Monitoring Framework (RIMF) – Apollo Framework Project funded by the CDTI with a grant from the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, with file IDI-20240423. The Apollo Framework project has obtained the Eureka label


INARTRANS 4.0 €4.16 M BUDGET 36 DURATION IN MONTHS 9 PARTNERS Digital transition towards an advanced industry in Artificial Intelligence solutions for the transport infrastructure sector. Project subsidised by the CDTI's Misiones Ciencia e Innovación programme within the framework of the TRANSMISIONES 2023 initiative. The


PICRAH4.0 €5,58 M BUDGET 36 DURATION IN MONTHS 12 PARTNERS Intelligent and cyber-secure platform for adaptive optimisation in the simultaneous operation of heterogeneous autonomous robots. Project subsidised by the CDTI's Misiones Ciencia e Innovación programme within the framework of the TRANSMISIONES 2023 initiative. The objective


SOFIA €5.51 M BUDGET 36 DURATION IN MONTHS 9 PARTNERS Research in an ecosystem of applications to improve productivity in the software development industry through the intensive use of reliable AI throughout its life cycle. Project subsidised by the CDTI's Misiones Ciencia e Innovación programme


CATENAR-IA €1.19 M BUDGET 33 DURATION IN MONTHS 2 PARTNERS Artificial Intelligence-based catenary maintenance and inspection Project financed by the CDTI with aid from the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), through the Pluriregional Program Spain


COMAR €6.1 M BUDGET 48 DURATION IN MONTHS 8 PARTNERS New technologies for chemical and mixed recycling of composites to promote the circular economy of scale  Project financed by the CDTI with aid from DURthe Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, and co-financed by the


SAFEPASS 582,455 BUDGET 30 DURATION IN MONTHS Hybrid polyurea-concrete construction system for safety in the maintenance of low-clearance gauges Project financed by the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI in its Spanish acronym) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Spanish


COMPOSITO € 840,755 BUDGET 30 DURATION IN MONTHS 2 PARTNERS Application of composite materials in the manufacturing and construction of reinforced concrete tanks for water purification, potabilization and storage International technological cooperation project with entities from Mexico, subsidised by the Centre for the Development of


DF-MAS II 430,585 BUDGET € 11 DURATION IN MONTHS 5 PARTNERS Digital Fleet Maintenance Services | Phase II Initiative financed by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism within the AEI (Spanish State Research Agency) support program to contribute to the improvement of the competitiveness


WIN4SMART €7.65 M BUDGET 36 DURATION IN MONTHS 7 PARTNERS Water Information Network for Sensing, Monitoring & Actuating in Real-Time EUREKA project co-financed by the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI in its Spanish acronym) and the European Technology Fund through the R+D+I